Use ChilliSpot with Freeradius wink it's exactly that what you need

Ok, you need a remote server.

Put a script there, which auto-logins a user and set the uam-login-page to this...

create a user "test" with password "blah" and use in the login script this constant usernames instead of GET-parameters... shouldn't be too complicated wink


(1 replies, posted in Whishlist)

My whish (which normally is easy to implement) is a multi-domain support... e.g. if i have the domain "uam.mychilli.whatever" and i create 3 A-entries with different ips... all ips should belong to the uam zone

It's very easy to write own stats with PHP if you use radius (freeradius) with mysql...

The only waht you have to do is to set up a Wireless Router with a good configurable firewall... it should block lan access from this access point... you don't need chilli/radius


I hope, you can help me with this problem:

If somebody is using my chillispot (running on dd-wrt) and disconnects the wireless connection without logging out from hotspot system, the chillispot/radius will never stops counting the time... how can i change this?
