(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

solution: disable rp_filter on interface

echo 0 >  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth1/rp_filter


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

I have problem with DNS running on same machine as Chillispot.
When I try nslookup from chillispot machine it works fine.
When I try nslookup from host pc I get no response. I see incoming dns packets on eth1, but none on tun0. When I use another DNS server (no chillispot) it works fine.

Iptables is not blocking it.

Thanx for help.

I had the same problem and my solution is hide the input box.

  <input style="font-family: Arial;visibility: hidden" disabled type="text" name="Password" size="1" maxlength="128">