Hello again!

Thank you for replying, *************.

Yes, that's exactly the point.
Since I am not on the hotspot area, I cannot be redirected directly, I need another option.
I have VPN access to the equipment, but in a different network than the hotspot's
What I need is a mean of getting redirected from the VPN side as well, for debugging hotspot problems.
Ideally, I would enter a "debug" mode and chillispot should redirect users from the VPN network as well.

Any more ideas?

Thank you!


I have setup a standard configuration with the captive portal in the network.
I can access the first page of the captive portal using http://public.ip.address/hotstpotlogin.php?res=notyet in the URL field of the browser, but when I try to login, the URL gets rewritten and I cannot simulate the login process.
Is there any way of testing the possible states (notyet, already, failed, ...) remotely?

Thank you!