Hi guys

I'm using chillispot with freeradius and it works fine.
I have a problem with "redirurl".
For example: when i first browse www.yahoo.com, then the login page appears.
After I login successfully, I can't redirect to www.yahoo.com, but to the default address of the web browser(www.google.com).
This the url in my address bar after I loged successfully: ""

My question is:
- Why the parameter "redirurl" is empty value?
- What can I do, if I want to redirect to the previouse website before i log in successfully?

Thank for ur explaination.


(3 replies, posted in Special Configurations)

Thank for ur reply.
I now can do Mac authentication in radcheck table
and also Mac authentication with a reply dhcp ip address for a specific Mac in radreply table.
Anyway i want to set a static ip for a computer and that computer can use internet freely without adding Mac address.
Have any idea?


(3 replies, posted in Special Configurations)

Hi guys

Now i'm using chillispot with SLES10.2 and free radius. In the chillispot configuration file, there is uamallowed which allows users to be able to browse any website or ip address that are defined in this tag. Thus, can chillispot do the pass-through ip for specific ip address of users? I mean if I want a specific user which has an specific ip address can be access internet without login or authentication.
I used to practice this pass-through ip in Monowall and it works very well. So Can chillspot do this? if it can, could you drop me the steps to make it through? or what should i do?

Thanks in advance

I just installed chillisport, freeradius with SLES10.2. I can done it followed by the instruction and some documents of chillispot. Any way,
- Do anyone knows how the url (for example): works, when i click on this link???
- After that, i click login button on login. It has url(for example): I wonder this link as well???
- Do this url has its own script or file? if so, where can i edit it? Sorry i'm a new bee about chillspot and radius. smile


Hi guys

I just installed chillispot with freeradius and SLES10.2. I tested verything is fine but the idle-timeout doesn't work.
I add idle-timeout = 60 in radgroupreply table. after 1 minute, i am not disconnected.

Do this cause by chillispot or radius?
How can i make it work?
Below is my chilli.conf

# Sample ChilliSpot configuration file

# TAG: fg
# Include this flag if process is to run in the foreground

# TAG: debug
# Include this flag to include debug information.

# TAG: interval
# Re-read configuration file at this interval. Will also cause new domain
# name lookups to be performed. Value is given in seconds.
#interval 3600

# TAG: pidfile
# File to store information about the process id of the program.
# The program must have write access to this file/directory.
#pidfile /var/run/chilli.pid

# TAG: statedir
# Directory to use for nonvolatile storage.
# The program must have write access to this directory.
# This tag is currently ignored
#statedir ./

# TUN parameters

# TAG: net
# IP network address of external packet data network
# Used to allocate dynamic IP addresses and set up routing.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: dynip
# Dynamic IP address pool
# Used to allocate dynamic IP addresses to clients.
# If not set it defaults to the net tag.
# Do not uncomment this tag unless you are an experienced user!

# TAG: statip
# Static IP address pool
# Used to allocate static IP addresses to clients.
# Do not uncomment this tag unless you are an experienced user!

# TAG: dns1
# Primary DNS server.
# Will be suggested to the client.
# If omitted the system default will be used.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: dns2
# Secondary DNS server.
# Will be suggested to the client.
# If omitted the system default will be used.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: domain
# Domain name
# Will be suggested to the client.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#domain key.chillispot.org

# TAG: ipup
# Script executed after network interface has been brought up.
# Executed with the following parameters: <devicename> <ip address>
# <mask>
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#ipup /etc/chilli.ipup

# TAG: ipdown
# Script executed after network interface has been taken down.
# Executed with the following parameters: <devicename> <ip address>
# <mask>
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#ipdown /etc/chilli.ipdown

# TAG: conup
# Script executed after a user has been authenticated.
# Executed with the following parameters: <devicename> <ip address>
# <mask> <user ip address> <user mac address> <filter ID>
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#conup /etc/chilli.conup

# TAG: conup
# Script executed after a user has disconnected.
# Executed with the following parameters: <devicename> <ip address>
# <mask> <user ip address> <user mac address> <filter ID>
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#conup /etc/chilli.condown

# Radius parameters

# TAG: radiuslisten
# IP address to listen to
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: radiusserver1 BRC
# IP address of radius server 1
# For most installations you need to modify this tag.

# TAG: radiusserver2BRC
# IP address of radius server 2
# If you have only one radius server you should set radiusserver2 to the
# same value as radiusserver1.
# For most installations you need to modify this tag.

# TAG: radiusauthport
# Radius authentication port
# The UDP port number to use for radius authentication requests.
# The same port number is used for both radiusserver1 and radiusserver2.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#radiusauthport 1812

# TAG: radiusacctport
# Radius accounting port
# The UDP port number to use for radius accounting requests.
# The same port number is used for both radiusserver1 and radiusserver2.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#radiusacctport 1813

# TAG: radiussecret BRC
# Radius shared secret for both servers
# For all installations you should modify this tag.
radiussecret testing123

# TAG: radiusnasid
# Radius NAS-Identifier
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#radiusnasid nas01

# TAG: radiusnasip
# Radius NAS-IP-Address
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: radiuscalled
# Radius Called-Station-ID
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#radiuscalled 00133300

# TAG: radiuslocationid
# WISPr Location ID. Should be in the format: isocc=<ISO_Country_Code>,
# cc=<E.164_Country_Code>,ac=<E.164_Area_Code>,network=<ssid/ZONE>
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#radiuslocationid isocc=us,cc=1,ac=408,network=ACMEWISP_NewarkAirport

# TAG: radiuslocationname
# WISPr Location Name. Should be in the format:
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#radiuslocationname ACMEWISP,Gate_14_Terminal_C_of_Newark_Airport

# Radius proxy parameters

# TAG: proxylisten
# IP address to listen to
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: proxyport
# UDP port to listen to.
# If not specified a port will be selected by the system
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#proxyport 1645

# TAG: proxyclient
# Client(s) from which we accept radius requests
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: proxysecret
# Radius proxy shared secret for all clients
# If not specified defaults to radiussecret
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#proxysecret testing123

# Remote configuration management

# TAG: confusername
# If confusername is specified together with confpassword chillispot
# will at regular intervals specified by the interval option query the
# radius server for configuration information.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#confusername conf

# TAG: confpassword
# If confusername is specified together with confpassword chillispot
# will at regular intervals specified by the interval option query the
# radius server for configuration information.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#confpassword secret

# DHCP Parameters

# TAG: dhcpif
# Ethernet interface to listen to.
# This is the network interface which is connected to the access points.
# In a typical configuration this tag should be set to eth1.
dhcpif eth1

# TAG: dhcpmac
# Use specified MAC address.
# An address in the range  00:00:5E:00:02:00 - 00:00:5E:FF:FF:FF falls
# within the IANA range of addresses and is not allocated for other
# purposes.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#dhcpmac 00:00:5E:00:02:00

# TAG: lease
# Time before DHCP lease expires
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#lease 600

# Universal access method (UAM) parameters

# TAG: uamserver
# URL of web server handling authentication.

# TAG: uamhomepage
# URL of welcome homepage.
# Unauthenticated users will be redirected to this URL. If not specified
# users will be redirected to the uamserver instead.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: uamsecret
# Shared between chilli and authentication web server
#uamsecret ht2eb8ej6s4et3rg1ulp
uamsecret ht2eb8ej6s4et3rg1ulp

# TAG: uamlisten
# IP address to listen to for authentication requests
# Do not uncomment this tag unless you are an experienced user!

# TAG: uamport
# TCP port to listen to for authentication requests
# Do not uncomment this tag unless you are an experienced user!
uamport 3990

# TAG: uamallowed BRC
# Comma separated list of domain names, IP addresses or network segments
# the client can access without first authenticating.
# It is possible to specify this tag multiple times.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#uamallowed www.chillispot.org,

# TAG: uamanydns
# If this flag is given unauthenticated users are allowed to use
# any DNS server.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# MAC authentication

# TAG: macauth
# If this flag is given users will be authenticated only on their MAC
# address.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.

# TAG: macallowed
# List of MAC addresses.
# The MAC addresses specified in this list will be authenticated only on
# their MAC address.
# This tag is ignored if the macauth tag is given.
# It is possible to specify this tag multiple times.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#macallowed 00-0A-5E-AC-BE-51,00-30-1B-3C-32-E9

# TAG: macpasswd
# Password to use for MAC authentication.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#macpasswd password

# TAG: macsuffix
# Suffix to add to MAC address in order to form the username.
# Normally you do not need to uncomment this tag.
#macsuffix suffix