(1 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

ok, installed freeradius  to work with mysql, installed daloradius.

Now do you happen to know how to add a single user with 1hr time limit?  Thought daloradius would make it easy but having a hard time figure it out... sad


(1 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

Hello All,

I'm here to get some advice.  I have a small problem with my AAA server.  Back in 2005 i had the great fortune of getting to know chillispot.  I used it to make a small wifi network.  Now for the AAA i had the misfortune of investing in a proprietary system.  It was what was needed to get me up and running as quick as possible.  So I made 5000 accounts and printed scratch cards for them. 

Now I am stuck with over 4000 unused scratch cards and a defunct company that is no longer providing support for its AAA software.  I am in desperate need of upgrading my old server but can't move the AAA server off of there or the license will expire.

What radius AAA server do you recommend that can authenticate my current scratch cards?  I have no problem making a script that will populate the DB with the card info, but would appreciate something easy to use. 

I'm looking at freeradius but not sure how easy it is to use nor am I sure it can do the accounting.

Any advice would be appreciated.
