Topic: avila router

I am setting up a hotspot, and am trying to use an Avila board with three radios. I have succesfully set up chillispot on one of the wlan interfaces, and it is working well. The probelm is that I have not been able to make it work for the other interefaces at the same time (ath0,ath1,ath2 not lan or vap's) . I'm running DD-wrt on this board,v24 rc7 and have tried bridging additional dhcp servers and have not been able to get chillispot to work on all three ssids. Any assistance or direction would be greatly appreciated

Thank in advance

Re: avila router

What you set for DHCP interfaces ?


You should set on WLAN&LAN.

Did i understand your question?

Re: avila router

No I dont think you did. I do not want chilli to control the LAN. I only want it to control the main SSID of each radio. The problem has now been resolved thank to the developer of DD-wrt. He fixed the issue so now you can assign each interface to a bridge, and assign that bridge to chillispot.
It is now working, I have three SSID's with chillispot, and three wep encrypted SSID's for use as uplinks for repeaters. The repeaters will be running the same type of configuration!!