Thank God some1 finally saw my plea..

1. I can get the IP address from the default settings am getting the 192.168.182.* range
2. I can get the domain name and DNS
3. am able to ping outside the IPtables and NAT is working well.
3. The Tun0 is running

what i cant get is the login in page what happens when i open a webbrowser the CGI content
of the hotspotlogin.cgi comes in text.

I dont know what to do so i was asking is the a hotspotlogin script in ASP ( active server pages)
Or what is it that am doing wrong i have Apache2 running i dont know i have read enough and
i think i need some guidance..

Please help...

Lastly am on ur page ryt now but stuff is in Thai so i cant read most but it looks very intresting...

Please get back to me


(6 replies, posted in UAM Configuration)


Could you please upload the file

Its broken please upload


What a challenge i have please some Angel please help me...

I have finished Installing Redhat Linux enteprise Edition RHE 5.1 and am runing zimbra on the same server
I have a number of users that i have created on the server... I want the server to authenticate Wireless clients on the Eth1 interface. The Eth0 as per documentation is connected to the internet.

1. I have edited the