(0 replies, posted in Whishlist)

Hello guys and deverlopers...

I'm working in patch to add a socket connetion to chillispot and get info of connected devices, chillispot settings, authorize clientes and disconnect they with a simple use of socket.

This features is very usefull to give information to users of chillispot via web interface and control clients by webif too.

I want send it to developers to be added in standart chillispot if think can be good and useful.

Thanks guys. I will wait your answer....


(0 replies, posted in Buglist)

Hello guys
I'm working in some new features of chillispot, like a socket to check associate clients, authorize or disconnect they all this stuff look that working ok, and before done my pathch I did add bandwidthmaxup and bandwidthmaxdown setting to apply it for all users by default when radius do no send thoes attributes.

The settings works perfect, and bandwidthmaxdown too, but bandwidthmaxup do not work well, or don't work, I did try differents way to compile to be sure leaky_bucket functions is called, and have the proper bucketupsize, I did debug it and the function look like work, do every step that would do, but do not stop the ulpoad trafic.

I don't have a lot experience with tun/tap staff, but look like leaky_bucket is called after tun send outgoing data.

Anyone have some Idea to help me to fix this issue.

Note: bandwithmaxup do not work too in standart chillispot and I did try it over linksys WRT54GL with openwrt and PC with debian.


(2 replies, posted in Buglist)

Hi guys,
I have the same issue on openwrt with macintosh and linux clients. I will check that on debian, but i guess is something wrong with last release of openwrt, because I use chillispot on it from two years ago and this issue is new.

Yea... windows ignore the dup message so look like work well, but go more slowlly.
My suspect is arround firewall or routing... but I do not discard anything.

I did think some issue with dnsmasq because dhcp can go to chilli interface, but i did stop it and do not solve the problem.

ok guys i will do more test and if i find the cause i will tell