need more help on this. Can seem to use the radusergroup table still. Am i doing something wrong? or is there a special configuration?

can i force disconnect the user to chilli and daloRADIUS? Im having a hard time doing it with free radius

Could you help me?

I have a lot of questions here:

1) How did you set which user to which group? I dont see any sql table that could connect radcheck? 

2) How did you force the user to disconnect?


(1 replies, posted in UAM Configuration)

Get the PHP login instead of the cgi. Ill give you a copy of mine if you cant find it in the net. PHP version is easier i guess to understand


(6 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

Tried this command:

echo "User-Name=chillispot" | radclient localhost:3779 disconnect radiussecret

Which it seems disconnect the user. Yey! however.. they dont get to return to the splash page. Any idea how to fix this? or perhaps the radclient disconnect isn't the proper force disconnect.


(2 replies, posted in UAM Configuration)

Is there?

Dear Community, I need to force disconnect a user for what ever reason. And it needs to be done in the server having the chilli.

RADTEST works fine:

 radtest chillispot chillispot 0 radiussecret
 Sending Access-Request of id 36 to port 1812
        User-Name = "chillispot"
        User-Password = "chillispot"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 0
 rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=36, length=20

But RADCLIENT has no response:

echo "User-Name='chillispot'" | radclient -x disconnect radiussecret     
Sending Disconnect-Request of id 126 to port 1700
        User-Name = "chillispot"
Sending Disconnect-Request of id 126 to port 1700
        User-Name = "chillispot"
radclient: no response from server for ID 126 socket 3

By the way, radwho does work because radius accounting is set to SQL but that a different and non-relavant situation. Again, I just want it to disconnect forcebly so that user will have to log-in again.

Any new news on this? I want also to do this.

Were you able to run it finally?

I have the same problem.

I have a ath0 and eth0... when I connect with ath0 from another computer, i get the a DHCP from Chilli but it does not redirect me to the login page. When I try to force it to and then log in. I am able to authenticate but I still am not able to browse the internet.

The box/server can ping outside connection
I used apt-get install for freeradius and freeradius-mysql  and chillispot
I used svn for madwifi

please help