Topic: Simple Captive Portal configuration

Hello all,

I need to deploy one captive portal and I have choosen Chilli hot spot, I am testing chilli and probably we will add it to new projects.

The current installations is simple: we need the users that connect to the WiFi Network only can view a html page to download contents. So, Chilli will act to redirect to my home page and as a Firewall to avoid go out the network. I have installed the Chilli over a Linux Ubuntu.

Currently I think we have a problem with the DNS, in the browser if we enter a random IP address we are redirected to the configured UAM homepage:, but when we enter a web address ( we are not redirected.

Any one can help us with this issue?

Thanks in advance

Re: Simple Captive Portal configuration

I can give you more details, so I think you could give me any help. I have configured my chilli server with two ethernet interfaces: eth0 (Internet) eth1 (WLAN).

I connect one laptop to the WLAN and it receives the IP address From this laptop all the IP address are redirected to my uamhomepage:, i.e. if I trry to access (random) is redirected. The is show correctly.

The problem is that when I enter, the browser waits to resolve the IP. When I try to do a ping it does not answer and it does not resolve. If I enter in the router administration I see that the DNS is a private address and this address it is not accesible.

I configure the dns1 in the chilli.conf with a DNS accessible form outside my network. And it is the same.

I need to setup an internal DNS?

Re: Simple Captive Portal configuration

Thanks for the response, this was the first step, configure de dns in the uamallowd pages. I had to configure the resolv.conf file also. Now it is solved.
