(1 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

check radius in debug and see how error show.

you will know you are wrong ;-D


(1 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

what is your gateway server?

if chillispot you can set macauth on chilli.conf.

and add user as mac address to you radius by format XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX


(1 replies, posted in Radius Configuration)

freeradius 2.0 change many thing from 1.7. (config file , database)

so you need to wait for the new one billing system.


(2 replies, posted in UAM Configuration)

Do anyone knows how the url (for example): works, when i click on this link???

this do by chillispot scripts.

- After that, i click login button on login. It has url(for example): I wonder this link as well???
- Do this url has its own script or file? if so, where can i edit it? Sorry i'm a new bee about chillspot and radius.

you can not edit it althought you know more about chillispot

yamikani wrote:

Thank God some1 finally saw my plea..

1. I can get the IP address from the default settings am getting the 192.168.182.* range
2. I can get the domain name and DNS
3. am able to ping outside the IPtables and NAT is working well.
3. The Tun0 is running

what i cant get is the login in page what happens when i open a webbrowser the CGI content
of the hotspotlogin.cgi comes in text.

I dont know what to do so i was asking is the a hotspotlogin script in ASP ( active server pages)
Or what is it that am doing wrong i have Apache2 running i dont know i have read enough and
i think i need some guidance..

Please help...

Lastly am on ur page ryt now but stuff is in Thai so i cant read most but it looks very intresting...

Please get back to me

you server don't have cgi run , try to config apache to run cgi


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

you may write multi wan on bash but on chillispot can not do that.

maybe you can write on iptables and iproute.

the chillispot provide only internet sharing to group permission.

you may use another app to manage it.


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

how you complie chillispot , i think if you complie it right all will complete. and you set nothing on apache.

the page it 's not redirect it may cause your dns or ipv4 forward


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

try to use chrome or firefox to test it . you may check ie security , anti virus level.


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

this is iptables to allow outside to go inside

$EXTIF is interfaces to go outside

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 --syn -j ACCEPT

you choose change port to udp 53 for dns , 80 for http, 443 for https

you may show your firewall then i can tell you more.


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

it 's on your computer.

you may test first on radtest to check radius reply is complete or not.

the second you can test idle by turn off your computer  and wait for the idle .

you can see status on radacct.

cause if you don't use your computer but some program still send and reply packet.

so chilli know that you are using network.

so try to turn off and check it

best regards


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

why you need dhcp althought  the chilli provide you dhcp?

please provide more .
there 's no info the consider and reply you.

you may right in html. why don't you show the hotspotlogin.cgi.

then ican tell how to add.


(2 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

you may write on php + mysql and you can use freeradius .
it has all you need.

but it take more time to learn, cause you look know not much about billing.

it 's up to your hardware.
it 's up to your ram.

on dd-wrt minmum wireless user is 128 client but chilli may kick your user if there are now ram to run more user.

i use wrt54gl only 15users  it hang up. and kick all.


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

you choose radius on debug and see how the  error show.
then you will know how it error by.


(3 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

you may set

net 192.168.182.x/24

to set the start for chilli server.


(1 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

you may set as the dns is show on status menu on dd-wrt.
it 's error by you set DNS IP blank . so chilli not found dns so it error.
cause chillispot can not found how to go.
it not like dhcp.


Radius server ip addr:
Access Point IP add:
wifi user IP address: ==> no set , they will get from server
Chillispot Network:

Now when wifi user( connects to access point( then access point will forward request to chillispot(
Means i need to define chillispot ip address as a gateway in Access Point configuration. clarify me if i am wrong.

You are wrong
In Access point not set, just disable dhcp.
and the chilli will get all to client.

and no set ip for wifi user. the must get dhcp from chilli.

with my test i open the wpa not set it.
if your set you must tell the user what is it .
to access and login again. to more secure..

the to test on firefox. to check  xp pro or IE is error?

Did you check log on syslog?


(2 replies, posted in Chillispot Configuration)

you may try static first and follow by dynamic cause it 's easy to set.

with my test if i use the dynamic ip, the server will give the wrong ip (none ip from server) when it got more client . maybe up to 100users

did you set dns?
can ur server ping to outside?
what is your set for client ip?
what is ip client got from server?
is tun0 are running?